I am so excited to show you this makeover that I created using a tired and dated armoire that has been hanging out in my stash and my brand spanking new Cutting Edge Stencil! When Cutting Edge Stencil gave me a chance to pick any stencil I wanted from their huge selection of stencils, I must say… I took a few DAYS! But I finally decided on the Fleur Craft Stencil by Kathy Peterson.
Okay, on to the before…
Here is a nice but outdated small armoire that is looking for some pizzazz. I’d been saving it to make over for my daughter’s room for quite a while. I custom mixed some chalk paint to get the perfect light aqua paint color for my stenciling. Turns out, I actually made what looks like Annie Sloan’s Provence without realizing it. I don’t own that color, so now I know how to make it :) I must be a genius!
I took the cabinet doors off to lay them flat and so that I could measure the stencil placement. The Cutting Edge Stencil and the brushes that came with it were very easy to work with. I have stenciled before, so I felt sure I knew what to do, but I went to their website and watched a couple of the how-to videos just in case. Their projects are so inspiring!
I first painted my entire armoire with Annie Sloan’s Old White. Then I took the doors off and measured and taped the stencil on with blue painters tape. I used my custom colored chalk paint to stencil, and it went great! Chalk paint is very forgiving. If I found I was too heavy handed, I was able to wipe off the excess very easily. I didn’t worry too much about imperfections either, because I knew that I would be sanding down my stenciled area after I finished.
Once I finished the doors and reattached them to the armoire, I stood back and thought about it… It needed just a little something else…
(Just a little too plain)
So I took out the middle drawer and turned my stencil design sideways. I stenciled just one design around each glass drawer pull.
Perfect! It ties the whole piece together without being overdone.
After my stenciling dried, I lightly sanded my design with 220 grit sandpaper to give it a slightly worn and not-so-crisp look. I then sanded the edges of the armoire around the doors, drawers, and edges – just because I like that look. I then sealed it all with a coat of Annie Sloan’s clear wax.
At first when I was stenciling the doors, I showed my 7 year old daughter and said that I was doing this for her. She said “Umm.. I wanted lavender” and walked away. Ummm… mom’s not into lavender, and there is not one lavender thing in her room. Girls! So, I thought I ‘d be selling this piece in my booth. But after I got the shiny new glass knobs on and the piece put together, she saw it and said “can I have it; can I have it?”. Ahhh.. much better. It will go into her room and hold all of her American Girl dolls and their clothes and accessories. Now I get to vacuum the floor, and she gets a special new piece painted just for her and the dolls. Win. Win.
Thanks Cutting Edge Stencils!
So, do you have a tired piece of furniture that needs some reviving? How about some curtains that need color? Would an accent wall make a huge difference in your room? Or a rug in need of a makeover? Plain pillows need pizzazz? There are so many projects to be done with stencils. And now you have a chance to win the stencil of your choice. You can pick any stencil worth up to $75 from the Cutting Edge Stencils website if you are the winner of my giveaway.
And it gets even better! I am one of 7 blogs doing 7 Cutting Edge Giveaways in 7 days. Yes, you can enter all 7! Please stop by the other 6 blogs listed below for more chances to win. ~LUCKY NUMBER 7!~
Good Luck!

Use this easy Rafflecopter form to enter to win:
**Our first winner never responded, so a new winner was chosen. Congrats to Jennifer L. M.**
a Rafflecopter giveaway =
Linking up to these great parties:
Inspiration Gallery Link Party at Crafty, Scrappy, Happy,
Knock our socks off party at Mom 4 Real